A total of 5,293 tourists visited Seribu Islands during the Eid al-Adha holiday
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Seribu Islands Tourism and Creative Economy Service in Seribu Islands, Sunday, announced that the total number of tourist visits to Seribu Islands Regency, Jakarta, on June 15-16, reached 5,293 people, ahead of the Eid al-Adha holiday on June 17.
Ahead of Eid al-Adha on Monday (17 June), many tourists will visit the Thousand Islands to enjoy various destinations, said the Head of the Thousand Islands Tourism and Creative Economy Service, Sonti Pangaribuan.
He said tourists entered from several entrances to the Thousand Islands area, such as Marina Ancol, Muara Angke, Tanjung Pasir and Citiis docks.
He explained that tourists who visit the Thousand Islands mostly visit inhabited islands and resort islands.
According to him, the number of tourist visits is expected to increase in the next few days.
He added that access to the Thousand Islands is easy and the facilities provided make it easier for tourists to enjoy their holidays.
To get to the Thousand Islands, tourists can go to the Kali Adem pier or Marina Ancol, each of which has different ticket rates.
Via the Kali Adem pier, visitors can board a wooden boat for around IDR 50 thousand to IDR 80 thousand, or can board a boat belonging to the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency for a fee of around IDR 44 thousand to IDR 74 thousand.
Meanwhile, via the Marina Ancol pier, the fare starts from IDR 150 thousand to IDR 200 thousand, said Pangaribuan.
Previously, the Regent of the Thousand Islands, Junaedi said that his party had prepared eleven leading tourist destinations located in the islands. He proposed regulatory assistance to the DKI Provincial Government.
“The district government has made a breakthrough and we are making progress, changes and sensible ideas,” he said.
Jakarta is developing towards a global city, several indicators of which are related to the tourism sector and the establishment of a National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN), he added.
Related news: AIS Forum Summit opportunities to improve and promote marine tourism: ICPI
Related news: Thousand Islands Tourism creates 35 thousand jobs: Uno
Translator: Mario N, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
A total of 5,293 tourists visited Seribu Islands during the Eid al-Adha holiday
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