Baim Wong Presents Full of Gripping Terror Blood in the Trailer for “Lembayung”
Jakarta, – The first film from director Baim Wong featuring Prime Eagle Studios and Tiger Wong Entertainment, “Lembayung”, released an official trailer first through the official social media account @cinema.21 and followed by the official social media accounts, @primeeagle.studios, and @tigerwongentertainment after the press conference of the event. The trailer presents real terror from the scary figure that was previously shown in the official poster of “Lembayung”.
In the official trailer of the horror film “Lembayung”, the figure is more revealed in its existence and form. The figure with dripping saliva, loose hair, and a long tongue, brings real horror. Arum (played by Yasamin Jasem), gets terror incessantly until her condition is affected. Not only terror from the scary figure, snippet also features a horrific bloody scene. The horror in the official trailer is further enhanced by the presence of the original voice of Pica, a trainee nurse who experiences terror in the hospital whose story is adapted into this film.
The horror film “Lembayung” stars Yasamin Jasem, Taskya Namya, Arya Saloka, Oka Antara, Anna Jobling, Erick Estrada, Asri Welas, Daffa Wardhana, Ence Bagus, Wulan Guritno, Tyo Pakusadewo, Sari Nila, Mario Maulana, and Dayu Wijanto.
Collaborating with big names in the Indonesian film industry, director Baim Wong is indeed directed so that the horror film “Lembayung” has a high quality standard. This is evident from the official trailer of “Lembayung” which will promise real terror for Indonesian horror film lovers.
“The horror film “Lembayung” is my first film as a director. I don’t want to be responsible for its production. I want the horror film “Lembayung” to be a quality film. Including the cast, filled by actors who already have high flying hours and have diverse character dimensions. So hopefully the audience can see that “Lembayung” is a film ‘A Different Kind of Horror’“,” said the director of the horror film “Lembayung” Baim Wong.
Term ‘A Different Kind of Horror’has a special meaning for the film “Lembayung” where the audience may be bored with the themes of films currently circulating,
“Lembayung” comes with a more horror theme freshfrom the story to the packaging. In it there are many humanistic aspects that have never been raised before. In addition to the many spiritual benefits or positive emotions that will be obtained, the excitement of watching “Lembayung” as ‘A Different Kind of Horror’will be a cinema-watching momentum that is highly anticipated and missed by horror film lovers in Indonesia and even regionally.
Meanwhile, the producer of the horror film “Lembayung” Emilka Chaidir added that this film does not just promise a sensation of horror and scary surprise just like any other horror movie. Supported by top actors like Arya Saloka, Oka Antara & Wulan Guritno whose acting skills are no longer in doubt. Not to forget Yasamin Jaseem and Taskya Namya, the young actor duo, the rising queen of horror movies.
“Lembayung, not just ordinary horror, a combination tell a story with a competent dramatization makes this film will be very different. In addition, we took quite a long time starting from the shooting process to post production, to get maximum results. So, I am optimistic that this film will be very popular with Indonesian horror fans,” said the producer of the horror film “Lembayung” Emilka Chaidir.
The horror film “Lembayung” is adapted from the thread (thread) viral horror “Jin Poli Gigi” written by Pica via the @saturnrushx account on social media Twitter. Thread It tells the story of Pica’s terrifying experience with her friend, Arum, while undergoing an internship at a dental polyclinic unit in a clinic on the outskirts of Yogyakarta. However, thread He did not finish it because Pica stopped writing due to trauma from his terrible experience. The horror film scenario “Lembayung” was written by Baim Wong with Gemati Rahayu.
The main actor of the horror film “Lembayung”, Yasamin Jasem revealed that Baim Wong is a perfectionist director. He said that when on the set, Baim is a person who is very meticulous about details.
“One thing I admire about Baim Wong as the director of the Lembayung project is that he looks… vigorously with this project. Brother Baim also really likes to discuss and be near the set, in fact I almost never see Brother Baim sitting at his monitor. It’s a pleasure to work with brother Baim too cast And ship’s crew Another rainbow.”,” said Arum’s actor, Yasamin Jasem.
Keep up to date with the latest information from the film “Lembayung” through the official Instagram accounts, @primeeagle.studios, and @tigerwongentertainment. In order to understand why the film “Lembayung” is a film ‘A Different Kind of Horror’ note the release date and watch starting September 19, 2024 in all Indonesian cinemas!
Baim Wong Presents Full of Gripping Terror Blood in the Trailer for “Lembayung”
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