Financial protection required for TB patients: Minister Muhadjir
…many TB patients come from families that are vulnerable to poverty, impoverished, and vulnerable to extreme poverty. Therefore, they need to receive special attention in terms of treatment and the economy with social protection schemes.
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy highlighted the importance of financial protection for tuberculosis (TB) sufferers.
“In addition to ensuring access to health services, cost mitigation policies and additional financial protection must also be provided to protect the poor and groups vulnerable to poverty who are affected by TB,” he said.
He made this statement at a coordination meeting for handling tuberculosis held by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Jakarta, Monday.
Effendy said that TB has a multidimensional impact, not only on health, but also on psychological, social and economic aspects.
For this reason, collaboration within the government is needed, starting from examination or screening to tracing TB sufferers for treatment intervention.
“To achieve successful treatment, complementary medical support is needed, including nutrition and transportation costs to health facilities, psychosocial support and economic empowerment,” he explained.
To identify TB problems in poor or vulnerable communities, he continued, efforts to provide protection for these groups are very important.
Therefore, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture is collaborating with the Ministry of Health to match data on the Target for Accelerating the Eradication of Extreme Poverty (P3KE) with data from the Tuberculosis Information System (SITB).
Based on data, many TB sufferers come from families prone to poverty, poverty and extreme poverty. Therefore, they need to receive special attention in terms of treatment and the economy with social protection schemes, he explained.
He also emphasized the importance of high-level commitment to accelerating TB treatment to achieve the goal of eliminating TB by 2030.
“The role of regional heads is very important to ensure the implementation of the nine regional government responsibilities in handling TB in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 67 of 2021,” he said.
Based on this regulation, the government aims to reduce the incidence of TB to 65 cases per 100,000 population, and the death rate to six people per 100,000 population.
Related news: Minister of Home Affairs urges regions to form TB management teams
Related news: The need to end the stigma to eliminate TB: services
Translator: Lintang Budiyanti, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Financial protection required for TB patients: Minister Muhadjir
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