Indonesia is increasing surveillance to prevent bird flu in humans
Jakarta (ANTARA) –
Indonesia has intensified measures such as surveillance and made other efforts to prevent bird flu in humans following reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding recent infections.
Director of Health Surveillance and Quarantine at the Ministry of Health, Achmad Farchanny Tri Adryanto, in a statement received in Jakarta, Friday, said that the ministry continues to monitor types of bird flu viruses that can be transmitted to humans.
In accordance with global commitments, in the field of human health, the strains monitored are HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) or H5 at the fourth level Public Health Laboratory, or LPAI (low pathogenic avian influenza) consisting of H7, H9, etc., at “National Reference Public Health Laboratory,” explained Adryanto.
He said, based on the WHO report dated June 11 2024, a case of Avian Influenza (H9N2) type A was detected in a child from West Bengal, India. The child, who contracted the infection after coming into contact with an avian source of the virus, has since recovered and been home from hospital.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HPAI and LPAI cause mild to severe infections in humans, he said. HPAI causes high mortality rates in poultry, he said. Meanwhile, after being infected with LPAI, the birds did not show any signs.
He said, to detect suspected infections early, monitoring of bird flu is focused on influenza-like illnesses (ILI) and severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), which can arise due to direct contact with sick or dead birds in contaminated environments.
Surveillance has also been extended to national points of entry, such as airports and ports, and is focused on tourists coming from countries that have reported cases of bird flu.
Related news: The risk of contracting bird flu in humans is still low: government
He appealed to farmers who raise chickens, cows or other livestock to implement hygienic and sanitation management on their farms and always disinfect and wash their hands. He also asked the public not to sell sick livestock and to immediately report if livestock died suddenly en masse.
Adryanto also appealed to the public to always adopt a healthy and clean lifestyle, for example by washing their hands after coming into contact with poultry, to avoid infection.
“(Including further) Not eating sick animals or birds, using adequate personal protective equipment if in contact with birds or mammals that are sick or die suddenly,” he added.
He said that transmission of bird flu to humans occurs due to contact with birds or animals that are sick or infected with the pathogen, as well as through food that is not cooked properly and comes from contaminated areas.
According to him, the clinical symptoms of bird flu are similar to the common flu. Other possible symptoms include sneezing, headaches, muscle aches, digestive problems, and shortness of breath.
Shortness of breath indicates declining health of the lower respiratory system, which can worsen, he said.
“Go immediately to a health facility if you experience symptoms of bird flu and (recently) come into contact with risk factors,” he added.
Related news: FAO praises the ministry’s steps in containing bird flu
Reporter: Mecca Yumna Ning Prisie
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Indonesia is increasing surveillance to prevent bird flu in humans
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