Indonesia is preparing anticipatory steps for prolonged drought
The Ministry of Agriculture and relevant stakeholders will continue to monitor and implement drought preparedness measures to reduce the impact of the dry season on national food production and maintain adequate food availability…
Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Agriculture is preparing anticipatory steps to face the prolonged dry season which is expected to have a significant impact on the national agricultural sector.
Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman said that anticipatory steps being prepared since October 2023 include repairing pump infrastructure and rehabilitating tertiary irrigation networks.
“We have prepared pump infrastructure to irrigate rain-fed rice fields, rehabilitated tertiary irrigation networks, optimized the use of swamp land, and increased the capacity and management of dam reservoirs,” said the Minister of Finance, Thursday.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that the dry season in 2024 will be longer, lasting from June to September, and peaking in August.
Therefore, Sulaiman considers it necessary to take quick steps to anticipate changes in domestic food output, including the impact of El Nino 2023, the impact of which will continue until this year.
The ministry is also evaluating the need to develop water-saving agricultural cultivation technologies and has initiated a rainwater collection drive to increase food security ahead of the dry season.
Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) sets the rice planting area in the October 2023–April 2024 period at 6.55 million hectares, down 3.83 million hectares or 36 percent compared to the average of 10.39 million hectares in the same period in 2015. –2019.
The reduction in planting area will have an impact on the rice harvest area, thereby reducing national rice production.
“The Ministry of Agriculture and related stakeholders will continue to monitor and implement drought preparedness measures to reduce the impact of the dry season on national food production and maintain sufficient food availability for the community,” said Sulaiman.
Currently, agricultural development is facing increasingly complex challenges due to the impact of extreme climate change such as El Nino, geopolitical conflicts and global economic dynamics.
This phenomenon triggers export restrictions from food producing countries, resulting in an increase in production costs and food prices, as well as the potential for a food crisis.
Meanwhile, in 2025, to support the achievement of the Golden Indonesia (IE) 2045 vision, the ministry will focus on four main programs: Availability, Access and Consumption of Quality Food; Added Value and Industrial Competitiveness; Vocational Education and Training; and Management Support.
Agricultural commodity production targets in 2025 include 56.05 million tonnes of rice, 16.68 million tonnes of corn, 334 thousand tonnes of soybeans, 3.08 million tonnes of chili and 1.99 million tonnes of shallots.
Followed by coffee 772 thousand tons, cocoa 641 thousand tons, sugar cane 36 million tons, coconut 2.88 million tons, beef/buffalo meat 405.44 thousand tons, and chicken meat 4.0 million tons.
Related news: Government distributes water pumps to provinces to anticipate drought
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Translator: Maria Cicilia GP, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Indonesia is preparing anticipatory steps for prolonged drought
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