Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Completes World's First Major PS Core Network Consolidation & Transformation
Jakarta, Indonesia (ANTARA/PRNewswire)- Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Indosat or IOH), Indonesia’s most sought-after digital telecommunications company, in collaboration with global ICT solutions provider Huawei, has completed a large-scale core network consolidation project in Jakarta, creating a milestone for their extensive cooperation and further propelling Indosat on its journey of advancement and innovation in mobile communications technology. With a massive scale of over 100 million users and 26 core locations across Indonesia, the completion of the consolidation and transformation to cloud core within 14 months is unprecedented.
The project significantly improves the network experience for Indosat users across Indonesia, especially those living in rural and remote areas. Residents of Kalimantan will enjoy 15% faster average downlink speeds while the average round trip time (RTT) will be reduced by 11% for Facebook usage. Meanwhile, according to a reputable third-party report, customers in Central Java also experienced better performance when using the Internet for gaming and watching live videos.
Desmond Cheung, Director and Chief Technology Officer of Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, stated, “We are honored to be setting a new benchmark for the telecommunications industry. The core network consolidation project is a testament to our commitment to delivering world-class digital experiences to our customers. With the completion of this initiative, we are confident that we can continue to deliver exceptional experiences to our customers while paving the way for our mission to connect and empower every Indonesian.”
George Gao, President of Huawei Cloud Core Network Product Line, said, “Thanks to the close and in-depth cooperation, we are very pleased to witness the remarkable achievement of completing large-scale and complex network consolidation in a short period of time. Huawei will continue to support Indosat to enhance network connectivity, accelerate service innovation, and create industrial value in digital transformation, thereby achieving greater business success.”
This project is a testament to the power of technology, hard work, courage, determination, and team spirit of both parties in facing various challenges. Since the core network is the most important part of the mobile network, Indosat and Huawei teams worked around the clock to conduct thorough analysis and review to determine the right solution for network consolidation that must adhere to the philosophy of “right at the beginning”.
Adopting cloud-native technology from leading telecommunications companies, Indosat and Huawei commercialized an innovative bare metal container and dual-engine container solution, supporting the large-scale commercial deployment of 5G core networks. The dual-engine container solution leverages cutting-edge technology to manage virtual machines (VMs) and containers in a unified infrastructure platform, enabling Indosat to smoothly introduce containers through capacity expansion, significantly reducing the time required for service launch and reducing time-to-market (TTM).
In the intelligent and digital era, Indosat has also increased its requirements for intelligence and extraordinary experiences. Both Indosat and Huawei have collaborated to deploy a future-ready core network that can adapt to the intelligent and redundant distributed architecture of 5G-A. This meets the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s networks, paving the way for introducing increasingly diverse new 5G features and services for toC and toB users.
Going forward, Indosat and Huawei will continue to work together to build a smarter, more efficient, and more secure mobile communications network and provide a better service experience for users in Indonesia. They will jointly address industry challenges and drive sustainable development and innovation in Indonesian mobile communications technology.
Source: Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
Reporter: PR Wire
Editor: PR Wire
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Completes World's First Major PS Core Network Consolidation & Transformation
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