Mary Kay Inc. Presenting New Findings on Advances in Skin Care and the Use of Computational Tools in Identifying Skin Sensitivity
Dallas–(ANTARA/Business Wire)– Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skin care innovation, recently revealed the results of two groundbreaking research studies: first, an antioxidant treatment that can reduce the visible effects of pollution and aging on the skin. human skin; and second, a focus on applying computational tools to accurately predict the safety and potential reactions of human skin to various cosmetic ingredients. These findings were shared by Mary Kay scientists at the 2024 Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID) meeting in Dallas, Texas. The company is a silver-level sponsor of the event.
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“Mary Kay scientists are at the forefront of skin care research, and we are excited to share our latest findings with the broader scientific community,” said Dr. Lucy Gildea, Chief Innovation Officer, Product & Science at Mary Kay. The ongoing partnership with the Society of Investigative Dermatology underscores Mary Kay’s dedication to advancing the science of skin care. By maintaining collaborative efforts, the company remains steadfast in its commitment to making significant breakthroughs in the field of dermatology, ultimately providing consumers with safer and more effective skin care solutions.
“Mary Kay’s enduring commitment to research and development aligns with our goals at the Society for Investigative Dermatology,” said Dr. Rebecca Minnillo, Chief Program, Communications and Development Officer at SID. “Our ongoing partnership allows us to explore new frontiers in dermatology science, bringing us closer to breakthroughs that could transform skin care and treatment options.”
Mary Kay research into the impact of air pollution on skin, conducted through various academic collaborations since 2016, revealed that a blend of antioxidants resveratrol, niacinamide, and oligopeptide-1 protects the skin’s natural surface lipids from oxidative damage caused by particulate matter (PM) and radiation. UV, both alone and in combination. Additionally, this mixture was shown to prevent the formation of free radicals caused by blue light, and demonstrated potential in reducing the detrimental effects of various environmental stressors on the skin.
Additionally, Mary Kay leverages computational toxicology tools to improve safety assessments of cosmetic and personal care ingredients. This innovative approach involves the use of advanced computational methods to predict the safety and potential toxicity of materials at an early stage, thereby significantly reducing the need for extensive laboratory testing. Virtual screening enables initial screening of compounds, ensuring only safe ingredients move forward in the development process. This method not only saves time and resources but is also in line with ethical and regulatory standards. By integrating these advanced tools, Mary Kay underscores its commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology for product development, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficacy for its consumers.
Mary Kay’s Gildea also hosted an interesting panel at SID, entitled “Insights into the Impact of Pollution on Skin Health: Recent Discoveries & Emerging Perspectives,” consisting of experts from various fields of dermatology and molecular biology. Panelists include Dr. Thomas Haarmann- Stemmann, Group Leader at the Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, who discusses the relationship between increasing environmental temperatures and skin aging. Dr. Elma Baron, Associate Professor of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve University, emphasizes the importance of topical antioxidants in reducing oxidative stress. and improve skin health. Dr. Hong Sun, Assistant Professor at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, investigated the molecular changes in skin cells exposed to environmental stressors, demonstrating the efficacy of antioxidant treatments in reversing gene expression changes associated with skin damage caused by UV light and pollution exposure.
The sponsorship and findings presented at the SID 2024 meeting represent Mary Kay’s latest efforts to strengthen the brand’s long-term commitment to advancing research and development in the areas of skin health and beauty. With more than 1,600 patents for products, technologies and packaging designs in its global portfolio, Mary Kay continues to lead skin care innovation.
About Mary Kay
Then. Now. Always. One of the glass ceiling breakers, Mary Kay Ash founded her dream beauty brand in Texas in 1963 with one goal: to enrich women’s lives. The dream has grown into a global company with millions of independent sales force members in more than 35 countries. For 60 years, Mary Kay opportunities have empowered women to determine their own future through education, mentorship, advocacy and innovation. Mary Kay is dedicated to investing in the science behind beauty and producing cutting-edge skin care, color cosmetics, nutritional supplements and fragrances. Mary Kay believes in preserving our planet for future generations, protecting women affected by cancer and domestic violence, and encouraging young people to realize their dreams. Learn more at, find us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or follow us on Twitter.
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Source: Mary Kay Inc.
Reporter: PR Wire
Editor: PR Wire
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Mary Kay Inc. Presenting New Findings on Advances in Skin Care and the Use of Computational Tools in Identifying Skin Sensitivity
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