Pope Francis' visit to promote respect for religious freedom
Jakarta (ANTARA) –
The aim of Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia is to promote respect for religious freedom, especially Catholics, according to the Indonesian Ambassador to the Holy See, Michael Trias Kuncahyono.
“He also wants to learn again about how this very diverse country can live in harmony between religions,” he added in Jakarta, Thursday.
He said that with his visit to Indonesia, the Pope wanted to remind everyone that even though we are different, we can maintain the bonds of brotherhood.
He further emphasized that Pope Francis’ visit was not only meaningful for Catholics, but also for all Indonesian people.
“He (Pope Francis) is not a political figure, but a moral figure,” said Kuncahyono, adding that Pope Francis always calls for peace and prays for areas affected by conflict.
Pope Francis, he added, also appreciated Pancasila veryIndonesian: upholding Almighty God, recognizing humanity, and fighting for social justice.
“That (Pancasila) highly respected by the Pope,” Kuncahyono emphasized.
Regarding bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Vatican, he observed that relations between the two countries continued to improve and Pope Francis was the third Pope to visit Indonesia.
He said that the Vatican has diplomatic relations with 184 countries, but not all of them have been visited by the Pope.
Pope Francis has never even been to Argentina, the country where he was born.
Meanwhile, Kuncahyono gave the example of Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, which is also one of the largest missionary-sending countries in the world.
“It is highly respected by the Holy See,” he added.
He said that the Vatican was the first European country to recognize Indonesia’s independence in 1947, although diplomatic relations between the two countries only began in 1950.
The reason the Vatican recognized Indonesia’s independence was because the nation’s struggle for independence was a humanitarian struggle, to free the nation from oppression and oppose colonialism, he added.
Kuncahyono launches his book Francis, Pope for the People on Thursday.
The former journalist hopes that the 340-page book will make Indonesian people more familiar with Pope Francis.
It is further hoped that this book can introduce the teachings and thoughts of Pope Francis as well as the things he has done, he said.
“(The Pope taught) about the poor who must be embraced, also about the marginalized who cannot speak, we must speak for them,” he added. (INE)
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Translator: Cindy Frishanti Octavia, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Atman Ahdiat
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Pope Francis' visit to promote respect for religious freedom
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