Soekarno-Hatta Airport Installs Thermal Scanners to Prevent Mpox
Tangerang, Banten (ANTARA) – PT Angkasa Pura II as the main operator of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang, Banten, has installed a thermal scanner as part of the health protocol to prevent the spread of the Mpox virus.
“We have taken proactive steps to prevent the spread of monkeypox virus at Soekarno-Hatta Airport,” said Senior Manager of Branch Communication & Legal of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, M. Holik Muardi in Jakarta, Sunday.
Currently, there are two thermal scanner units in Terminal 2 and four units in Terminal 3. According to Muardi, the placement of these units is strategic to ensure that all international passengers undergo body temperature checks before continuing the arrival process.
“This thermal scanner functions to detect passengers’ body temperature in real-time, as one of the initial efforts to identify symptoms associated with monkeypox,” he said.
One of the steps taken when suspected Mpox is found in the international arrivals area of the airport is to separate passengers who are indicated to have symptoms from other passengers.
Passengers suspected of being infected with monkeypox will be immediately directed to a temporary isolation room that has been specially prepared at the airport.
“In this isolation room, passengers will undergo further health checks by a health team that is always on standby 24 hours, just in case there are passengers who are confirmed to have symptoms consistent with monkeypox,” he explained.
Soekarno-Hatta Airport has created a special post to increase public awareness and provide direct support in preventing and handling Mpox cases.
Prioritizing the health and safety of passengers and airport personnel, he said, preventive measures have been strengthened and focused on early detection, appropriate handling and provision of adequate facilities.
“To deal with the threat of the spread of monkeypox, Soekarno-Hatta Airport has taken various steps in collaboration with various related agencies,” he said.
This collaboration is designed to ensure that any potential cases of Mpox can be detected and treated quickly and appropriately.
“We work closely with the Health Quarantine Center (BBKK) and various related parties, ensuring that every passenger entering Indonesia has gone through a thorough inspection process and is in accordance with the established health protocols,” added Muardi.
The government recently made it mandatory for all international travelers entering Indonesia to complete an electronic self-declaration form called the SATUSEHAT Health Pass.
Strict screening measures have been implemented following the discovery of the Clade Ib variant outside Africa, according to M. Syahril, spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), as reported on the ministry’s website.
In coordination with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transportation issued a circular on Tuesday (August 27) requiring passengers, both Indonesian and foreign citizens, to complete the SATUSEHAT Health Pass before or during departure check-in.
SATUSEHAT Health Pass for international travelers can be completed through, according to information on the Ministry of Health website.
The Ministry of Health stated that from 2022 to August 17, 2024, 88 cases of mpox had been confirmed.
Of these, 59 cases were found in Jakarta, and the rest were in several provinces: 13 cases in West Java, nine cases in Banten, three cases in East Java, three cases in Yogyakarta, and one case in the Riau Islands.
Of these cases, according to the ministry, 87 have been discovered.
Related news: Tourism Minister asks for increased Mpox vigilance at Bali Airport
Related news: Indonesia secures additional 1,600 doses of Mpox vaccine this week
Translator: Azmi Syamsul Ma’arif, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
Copyright © ANTARA 2024
Soekarno-Hatta Airport Installs Thermal Scanners to Prevent Mpox
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